John Bosley Ziegler Jr.

The Worst Side Effects For Over Use Of Steroids

5 Serious Side Effects Of Anabolic Steroids Anabolic steroids are a class of substances whose structural composition is similar to human hormone testosterone, and which contain 4 carbon rings in their molecular composition. They are taken because they encourage the growth of lean muscle and improve strength and endurance of anyone who takes them. However,

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Here Is What You Should Know About DBOL Before Using It

What is Methandrostenolone ? Methandrostenolone, most popularly referred to as “Dianabol” or DBOL for short. Developed in the 1950’s and  used by athletes and bodybuilders. An anabolic steroid designed with the purpose of enhancing hormonal activity. When athletes and bodybuilders take this drug, hormonal activity becomes more efficient and effective. An anabolic steroid preferred by

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